Northern Suburbs
The Challenge
It’s a problem familiar to many Bowls Clubs. Northern Suburbs player numbers were falling away in Brisbane’s summer months.
Senior players in particular were feeling the heat, literally, and worried about skin damage from the intense sun.
And with clubs closing all around them and everyone keen to draw from a dwindling player pool something needed to be done.
“Because of our typically hot & wet summers, we found that during the warmer months our numbers were dropping off dramatically,” said Club Project Manager Cam Spencer.
The Solution
So the club decided on a path that many other clubs are also choosing, a covered bowling green to protect players from the elements, extend playing time, guarantee scheduling and boost numbers.
“We wanted to attract a new clientele & maximise our facilities to create a more community centred club,” said Cam.
“The heat, coupled with an ageing member base, led to our decision to add a shade structure & lighting over our bowling green.”
The Experience
Having formerly worked as the General Manager of Operations at Brisbane Airport, with a background in engineering, Mr Spencer is no stranger to large projects.
“I can comfortably say that working with Trevor Scott of Lightweight Structures was one of the best experiences of its kind that I have had,” he said.
“From the conception of the design to the delivery, Trevor was extremely impressive. He was on site & hands on throughout the entire process. I particularly appreciated having a single point of contact.”
The Result
Mr Spencer said their new structure had added new dimensions of comfort and opportunity for the club.
“The design itself is magic & looks incredible at night when the lights are turned on.
“We actually have people going out of their way to come & look at it.
“Trevor & his team worked overtime to make life easier for us and it was a turnkey operation.
“We are attracting a whole new clientele, from itinerant bowlers to bare foot bowlers, and even high school students.
“Now our patrons can play in all weather conditions, seasons & times of day.”
Northern Suburbs Bowls Club Project Manager Cam Spencer.