Capalaba Sports Club
Protecting club members from the harsh Queensland sun was just one of the drivers for the management of Capalaba Sports Club to have a roof installed over their bowling green.
“Many of our members are older and are more vulnerable to the effects of exposure to natural elements like sun, darkness, rain, heat and wind,” said General Manager, Nigel de Ryck.
“But as well as that, we had to keep in mind future modifications to the facility. Premium synthetic playing surfaces are the future of the sport and they are expensive, so they need to be protected by structures like those provided by Trevor Scott and his team at Lightweight Structures.”
Like many sports clubs, Capalaba faced periods of downtime due to weather and time elements but with the installation of a shade over the bowling greens, they now have a facility that can be utilised 24/7.
“This is precisely the outcome we were looking for,” explained Mr de Ryck. “The fact that there is no downtime has attracted new members, and segments of bowlers who are new to the sport. We can now host more barefoot and social bowls functions and this has been a huge plus for our Club. Plus, the cover over the green has helped to reduce our overheads.”
Lightweight Structures was the obvious choice for the project for a number of reasons.
“We really wanted to deal with a local company who manufactured locally,” Mr de Ryck explained.
“They also offered better design options and we dealt with Trevor, the owner rather than an employee. Trevor was on-site and accessible throughout the job. We also considered the very impressive portfolio of his previously completed jobs.
“Trevor and his team were a pleasure to work with. They are honest, reliable, competent, punctual and friendly and they made every aspect of the project as smooth as possible.”
The effects of the upgrade to the Club's facilities have been immediate and impressive.
“There has been a greater than 30% increase to bowling memberships, more social activity, greater revenue from bowls/events,and great exposure/marketing for our Club,” said Mr de Ryck.
“It has been completely beneficial all round.”
– Nigel de Ryck
General Manager
Capalaba Sports Club
Capalaba Sports Club members can look over the greens while they dine upstairs.